Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Friday

No work today, so I spent a long time at the barn in the afternoon. I cleaned and oiled tack, washed brushes and boots, and did horse laundry. Werther has been really good, he has been really round in his topline, but he is also going very slow, I need to work on impulsion. My focus the past two days has been transitions and my equitation, mainly moving my elbows and sitting deep in the saddle. I also spent a long time grooming Wesley, he was happy for the attention. He is still not doing very well, his left hind is stocked up as well, and the has some swelling on his stomach. He is however, still eating and drinking well, and all body functions seem to be working. Dr. Sarah is going to come out and evaluate him on Monday, but I don't see this thing ending well. I'm kind of at peace with it right now, but I know when it actually happens I'll be devastated. I've decided I don't want to be there when they do put him down, I would rather think of him the way he is now. Even though this is incredibly hard, it is not sudden, like a young horse with a broken leg or colic you expect to have in your life for a very long time. The girl who owned Wesley is a few years younger then me, a former boarder. I asked my Mom to talk to her dad, so she knows the situation and can come out and see him if she wants. I think if I tried to talk to her, I'd just start crying, and it isn't the kind of news you want to send someone over the internet, so it is probably better this way. 


SolitaireMare said...

Sorry to hear Wesley's situation does not look too good. I care, I've been there with my sweet gray, Monty and I totally understand the roller coaster of emotions this condition brings. You are right about it not taking you by surprise, you see what is happening and the progression gives you time to be ready for what it may bring but when it comes to the time for a decision, it still hurts so much. Be strong. (((hugs)))

Ellie said...

Thanks SolitaireMare. The support means a lot. Wesley almost died my freshman year of college from a viral infection that went into his brain. In fact, they told me there were putting him down and had me leave the barn. Right before they were about to inject him, all the IV fluids kick in, and he starts getting better. Everyone involved decided not to tell me until the next day incase he didn't make it though the night. I feel that I already said goodbye once, it is going to be just as hard the second time around.