Sunday, December 14, 2008


I moved last week and I finally got internet hooked up in my apartment so I can updated my blog! Werther has been good, he is adjusting to our new schedule, I go to the barn in the mornings now. He does not like this as well because I am usually riding by the time Mom and Andre get to the barn so Werther has to be in the barn by himself. Mom brought in Mike Hennigan last week to do a jumper clinic with her and Andre. I watched, I really liked Mike's training style. He was a really good professional trainer. I wish Andre was a better teacher, but sadly she just really does not have that ability. She can teach to the horse, which is good when you are not doing the basics, but I really need the basics right now. I really need someone like Mike who can teach to the rider. Mike did see me ride Werther and he thought Werther was really cute, which made me happy.

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