Friday, March 20, 2009


Not much to report these last two days, Werther has been really good. I've been working on getting him on the bit and figuring out the feel I need. I still have a little bit of a hard time starting out between his inital resistance to work, and me remembering everything I have to do to make Werther happy. I'm doing a little lateral work, mainly leg yields to get him on the bit, but mainly focusing on my equitation. The two big things I have been working on is moving my elbows with my horse, because I have short arms I tend to lock my elbows to try and make my arms reach where I want them, and sitting deeper in the saddle. I need to figure out my stirrup issue, so I can be more stable with my left leg, I think I'm going to punch a quarter hole inbetween the half holes of my stirrup leathers and see if that does the trick of allowing me to still keep my left leg in the iron while not putting too much stress on my right hip and making me sore.  Now that Werther is really getting his act together, I have to bring myself to the next level. 

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