Thursday, October 2, 2008


Very quick trip out to the barn today, I had an appointment. The guys got Werther ready, and took care of my stuff after I turned him back out. I am grateful that we have such good grooms who can really help when you are in pinch. I would never be one of those people who has a groom tack up their horse for them everyday, I like grooming and spending time with my horse too much. It was a little bit chilly today so I wussed out and rode in the indoor. Werther was really relaxed and happy today, I think he really enjoyed himself on his trail ride with Tom yesterday, they went across the road and went on some of the hunt paths. Werther's walk and trot were routine, and we did really well with the canter transition. I was really patient in making sure that Werther was really balanced and listening to me and as a result I got the right lead on the first try. When I went to ask for the left lead he sneaked up to an extended trot in the first corner, so I made him stop and back up a few steps. That really got Werther's attention and the next time I asked he picked it up from a walk. After we both caught our breathe I finished up the ride by doing some sitting trot without stirrups, focusing on keeping long and wrapped around him, and feeling my balance and staying in his center.


Lisa Ross said...

I love how it comes through your posts that you are a rider first, and having CP comes second.
Sounds like you have a good trainer.
When I first started riding after my MS attack, I fortunately had someone to ride with who had worked with me before.
When I was in really bad shape I looked in therapeutic riding, but their waiting list is a mile long. I have some pet peeves about the therapeutic riding industry anyway.
All it takes is a good trainer and a good horse. Which I now have, but every time I've had to change trainers I'm afraid they won't want to work with me. Thank goodness money talks and trainers love to fix things! Hope that makes sense.

Ellie said...

Totally makes sense, Lisa. I come from a family of riders, so I never went the therapeutic riding route. I've had quite a few trainers over the years and some have been afraid to do to much with me, but I tend to find as long as you are very clear about what does and does not work for you, most trainers worth their salt are willing to listen. If I did not have a good horse, I wouldn't be riding, because of my disability, I have to be able to trust the horse completely with my well being and sadly there seems to be only a handful of horses that fit the bill.

Lisa Ross said...

I haven't told my current trainer I have MS but she knows there's stuff going on with me physically and that I have a weaker side.
I tend to feel more invincible in the saddle than I do on the ground, so ground manners are really important.
As far as ground manners: my horse can be either dead calm or a puffed up, snorting, spinning freak. I've spent a lot of time on ground manners with him. That was a challenge, but I've learned a lot.
We horsewomen are a little tougher than the general population and I think that bleeds over into how we deal with disability : )